It’s called invert in Photoshop:
It’s called invert in Photoshop:
FCC is gunna start blasting
I think I just saw an article saying that dog mode is currently broken lol
Lots of Peace winners, but Winston Churchill had one in literature:
I didn’t see anyone mention this, but while this headset depicts the outside world when you are wearing it, you are viewing a camera feed of that world. True AR would be like google glass where it is a piece of glass with data projected onto it. Apples thing recreates the world around you and then adds in the applications, you are viewing the world through a filter.
It could also just be marketing too because it seems like they are trying really hard to not make this look like some nerd shit.
I had this happen to me. Bought a 980ti warehouse deal, came in a 980ti box, plugged it in and it was a 980. Amazon took it back without issue. I’m assuming that I received a fraudulent return, and I’d assume the same thing with this 4090. Especially because this was in a return pallet deal, meaning, you know, it was returned to Amazon. We have no idea what Amazon actually sold in the first place.
Currently video is being transmitted compressed with up to 50ms of lag, from what I can find. Wifi 7 should be able to fix both those issues.
The biggest benefit to wifi 7 that I’m excited about is streaming wireless VR headsets without extra equipment to a PC.
They don’t even design their sound to be good in all theaters, just ones with “top of the line” audio systems, which means the audio is likely to suck if you go to your local AMC or other chain.
Every theater I’ve gone to for probably near 10 years has sucked. Something is always fucked up. Audio unbalanced or way too loud, projector just slightly unfocused, blown out, or off center. They must not hire a professional in any capacity anymore, just minimum wage teenagers. I made a mid/low tier home theater and I’d rather watch any movie at my house, because the video and audio is going to be better. It’s actually ridiculous.
Anyone remember when GameStop was selling refurbished GameCubes for $30? I think I bought 2.
Holy shit, I could not imagine someone who cooks a lot to put up with that. If you have a few things you need to start and stop at specific times and change heat levels and stuff while cooking several things at once… it takes me .5 seconds to operate my dials when doing this. I would be livid using your stove.
Ya, YouTube follows copyright law as closely as it can or it would have been sued into oblivion. I have used a few copyright songs in videos and they usually don’t get outright blocked but the song creater counts those views towards revenue and if YouTube doesn’t have a song license for a country the video is blocked in that country. YouTube tells this to the uploader.
Related, H3H3 had a huge lawsuit about fair use over video clips because YouTube would handle it the same way - leave the video up but transfer all revenue to the clip holder. H3H3 ended up winning that but the point is YouTube is extremely pro copyright, erring on the side of copyright holder in all cases until convinced otherwise.
How the hell did he get caught? “Security expert” , right?
I went to a conference that CISA talked at. They are actively scanning the Internet for threats to infrastructure and institutions and work closely with the FBI to track people down. They contact a lot of people about cyber attacks. Like a LOT.
Wut. I still have a pixel 1. Hold up.
Ok, for others, the pixel 1 needs to upload the photos so you sync a camera folder with your new phone to p1. Deets: https://www.androidpolice.com/2021/06/02/how-to-google-photos-pixel-free/
Sometimes they offer crazy promotions. Verizon had a any pixel for a pixel 7 deal. My boss traded in a pixel 1 for like $500 off a 7.
They did do something though, dropped a lot of content and added in shitty reality shows. I didn’t renew a few months ago when the price went up and the quality of content went down.
No, they were just told they couldn’t participate in society.
Yes, when you pose a greater risk to society you do not get to participate in it. This has been true since the start of societies.
Ya, mine is slow rolling 2gig but it kind of fucked me up because now I want 6E mesh APs and it’s going to cost me like $500. I know I don’t need it, but the fact that I could have it is tempting. Plus I need 6E for the VR headset I also don’t have.
I don’t think it matters what 2fa the target had here, the attackers had him hook line and sinker. The bigger issue is that the attacker new everything about how the company worked internally, including staff. I would not be surprised if this company was already compromised, either from an external actor or internal.
CISA actually monitored Internet traffic and would contact government entities (local, schools, universities, etc) when they were being attacked. I went to a talk once where they said they usually had response times in minutes, and it would take longer to figure out who they needed to alert and convince them that it was real. Now that CISA is gutted I would expect more and worse breaches in the future.